要参加驾驶员考试的朋友都会很苦难于科目一的交规理论考试,因为它太繁琐。 “驾照科目考,理论最烦恼”。忙于工作时间少,或者看过又忘,真的是不胜烦恼。所以借此给大家介绍点本人的一些小经验。
驾考宝典是一款专业的驾驶员模拟考试软件。驾考宝典提供章节练习、模拟考试等功能强化交规记忆;图文版交通标志、事故图解,清晰易懂。 另外记住我说的下面这些东西,是对考试很有用处的。
3、选择题中遇到行车速度问的:没有限速标志、标线的情况下,没有道路中心线的城市道路最高时速为 30,公路则40;没有限速标志、标线的情况下,只有一条机动车道的,城市道路50,公路70。
To participate in the pilot test of friends will be suffering in the course of a shame theory exam, because it is too complicated. "Driving course, theory is the most trouble". Less busy work time, or read and forget, really is a worry. So to introduce myself a little experience.
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Driving from the bible is a professional driver simulation exam software. Driving bible chapters practice, simulated exam functions such as strengthening traffic rules memory; Figure version traffic signs, accident illustrations, clear and easy to understand. In addition to remember ?